Day 2

The log book for this day was a little schizophrenic. Engine on; engine off; engine on; engine off. In the end we only motored about 6 hours in the 24 hours of our Day 2 but it was very on off as the wind died and recovered. Most of the day was actually quite nice sailing.

It was a quiet day as everyone hadn’t slept well, it usually takes 3 days to get into the rhythm on a passage so days two and three usually happen in slow motion through a fog of sleep. Breakfast happened naturally as people got up and sorted themselves out, coffee flowed in large quantities. Lunch was prepared by Jon, frying up the Dorado fillets he caught the previous night (pro-tip – coat the fish in mayonnaise before frying for juicy goodness – thanks to Marta in Break Away for that one). We still had some potatoes from the first passage which needed to be used so they became a potato salad; wolfed down by all including Teo.

In the afternoon there was a torrential rain shower to prove we are clearly in the rainy season now but not a great deal of wind to go with it. This seemed like the perfect opportunity to put on a movie for those not on watch and given it was May the 4th (be with you) we rolled out Star Wars. Tina it turns out wasn’t sure if she had seen it before and Teo was more than happy to share the experience with her.

Dinner was a nice refreshing pasta salad prepared by Mia and as it got dark people retreated to their bunks to catch snippets of sleep before the night watches started again.

For those of you interested in finding our where we are, in near real time you can follow the link below.

On our way…

Itchy Foot and hew crew of four are on their way across the Pacific. We left the marina on Wednesday afternoon and with plenty of wind and waves on the nose we gave the new rig a nice and overpowered test. Everything seemed to perform correctly and late that afternoon we dropped anchor on Isla Otoque for the night.

On the morning of Thursday the 3rd we finished the last few boat jobs, including cleaning the hull and propeller and putting the dinghy on the foredeck. After a bite to eat for lunch we headed out towards the Pacific ocean.

The first leg down the west side of the bay of Panama to the corner was fine, there was 10-15 knots of wind in the afternoon so made good progress wing-on-wing. There seems to be a knot of current pushing south down this coast. In the evening the wind died to about 7knots but with the current we were able to maintain a speed of 4-5 knots due south. There were lightning storms in all directions but over 20 miles away, nothing to trouble us.

We rounded the corner ‘Punta Mala’ and are heading WSW, following the coast line. The wind is out of the NW (about 10knots) and we are making good progress in slight seas and close hauled. There is about 1knot of current with us and I’m glad the wind is not higher as the wind against tide would create confused seas. We are making about 6 knots speed over ground. There is plenty of shipping around be we were well inside it nearer the coast.

We caught a nice little dorado last night, just after finished making dinner, other than that not much sign of life and very few of the sea birds you see around Las Perlas.

  • Date: Friday 4th May. 10am Panama Time.
  • Position: 07 10.53N  080 16.54W
  • COG 244
  • SOG 5.5kn


The Vast and Varied Wildlife of Panama

Panama has offered us challenges galore and it has also delivered amazing gifts. We have made wonderful friends who will feature in future gushing to be sure and we have enjoyed a lot of our time here. The Canal took its toll and made its demands and Itchy Foot has not been maintenance free either during our time in Panama and we have done a lot of boat jobs. But with all of that said, we don’t want to talk about that right now, this post is strictly for the animals that call Panama home  and maybe to share some of our photos.

We have been treated to amazing encounters with wildlife in this country. We have had two whale sightings, the first time we think they were four or five Fin whales as we were leaving Las Perls last time. Fin whales are the second largest whale on Earth and what an amazing sight!  They average about 20 meters (85 feet) long and weigh about 40 tons and they have prominent dorsal fins which make them easier to spot. As we were returning to Panama City we are pretty sure we saw six humpback whales including young ones. This is special to us since the story that inspired our name features a humpback whale.  They are smaller, averaging about 15 meters (50 feeet) long and weighing in at 36,000 kilos (79,000 lbs). They have a knobbly appearance, long pectoral fins and a two tone tail. These beauties are known for being playful on the surface. Witnessing whales brings on a hush onboard as everyone looks at them in awe. They are beautiful and graceful and giant and they inspire respect. We feel very fortunate to have seen four types of whales in all our time onboard.

And the dolphins! They need lots of exclamation points!! Dolphins are WONDERFUL and FUN!!! We were so happy that they came to say hi when we had Gunnar, Mona and Nikolaj onboard and we had a short encounter and they left us to go fishing. But on our way back from Las Perlas we were treated to the most amazing dolphin extravaganza we have ever seen. It was at least 500 dolphins, playing on the bow and jumping high into the air and playing. We are pretty sure that the ones we met were a combination of two pods. We saw Pacific Bottlenose Dolphins which are normally about 16 meters (15 feet) long and weigh 635 kilos (1400 lbs). And we saw Pantropical Spotted Dolphins which are normally about two meters (6/7 feet) long and weigh about 100 kilos (250 lbs). They are incredibly outgoing and will even lean over to watch what you are doing and as they grow older they develop spotted skin and you can use the spots to tell how old the dolphin is. Meeting dolphins is such a treat and makes everyone giggle. They are exquisite creatures and if we are going fast enough they love to play in the bow wake of Itchy Foot.

There are also lovely surprises floating close to the surface. As we motored back to Panama we spotted a giant turtle have a meal on the surface. This is unusual because they usually dive as they hear you coming, but this one was very interesting in his lunch that was floating on a log and paid us no attention. And about an hour outside of Panama City we were treated to another surprise. There were 100s of rays. We believe they are Cow Nosed Eagle Rays. These guys are about 89 cm (35 inches) long and 30 cm (15 inches ) wide and weigh 12 kilos (25 lbs). They are known to migrate from Gulf of Mexico all the way to Brazil and the ones we saw looked like they were sunbathing with both tips of their ”wings” sticking out of the water. They eat clams and oysters and have incredible grace.  Other floaty creatures we spotted included Portuguese Man of War which are a bright pink and purple and as David Attenborough has told us they are actually a symbiotic collection of creatures and can be quite dangerous. And the ghostly white cannonball jellyfish that hang out in our marina. As I was closing up one night I saw a dozen of them around the boat, it was a little eery and I had some crazy dreams that night.

Panamanian waters are full of cool stuff to see and the jungle offers its own delights. Sloths are SO AMAZING. They really nailed their movement in the Zootopia movie. They are fascinating and we were lucky enough to spot quite a few. Monkeys are everywhere and they too are amazing to watch and in the case of the Howler Monkeys eery to hear especially right before it rains.

We spent an afternoon at the Smithsonian. They have a few sights in Panama, rumour has it they have quite a big research facility on Gatun Lake. At Punta Culebra right where we were anchored they have a nature reserve. We saw sloths there and even saw one awake! And we found out that iguana climb trees and jump from branch to branch. We were disappointed to see that the Smithsonian keep turtles in tanks and allow visitors to touch the star fish and we lost some respect for them and they need to up their game. We did get to see some cool frogs, some were tiny, some were orange with blue legs, some were gigantic and they could do so much more with the place. Here in Coronado, Teo spotted a frog in the run off moat of the infinity swimming pool and we rescued it and moved it to a nearby lake.

Also in the sky, Panama is full of delight. There are incredible butterflies everywhere. One giant blue one called Menelaus Blue Morpho has wings that are as big as my hand. I think they have them at the Rainforest Cafe. Another butterfly, the Greta Oto has transparent wings. Plus, they have incredible song birds and even toucans although we haven’t seen any yet. And their shore birds are incredible and I love to watch the egrets fish with their long graceful necks and the sandpipers enthusiastically running around on the beach. And a special shout out to the pelicans are always wonderful as they fly and fish. They have earned the nickname bomb squad and we have seen loads of them.

Panama has incredible wildlife and need a marketing team to tell the world, hopefully it will be eco friendly souls to take care of the place.

Teo is in SEVEN Heaven

Written by Mia:

Teo had a fantastic, magical birthday! Even though we were supposed to be sailing the Ocean Blue on the first of April, our technical trouble gave Teo a dream birthday. We were anchored in a cute little bay off the island of Contadora, in Islas Perlas, Panama. The day started with an Easter egg hunt which included a bit of a climb up the mast. There was a GIANT Kinderegg, Harry Potter Trivial Pursuit and an X-wing. The Easter bunny knows how to make Teo happy!

The hunt was quickly followed by banana pancakes ala Tina and presents. The pile on the table made his eyes glitter and he was not disappointed! There was a Star Wars/Harry Potter theme with healthy doses of fun facts and crafts thrown in. Thank you so much everyone for making the effort to get gifts and cards to us for the day, Teo is thrilled and they really helped to make it a wonderful day!

It was hard to tear him away, but we went ashore for a restaurant lunch which included Teo favorites, mostly fried goodness (they make Patacones here which are fried plantains, YUM) and he was one satisfied customer. On the way to the restaurant we walked past the little airstrip and he was telling us proudly about his experience. We met a Swedish guy named Andreas who had booked a helicopter trip and offered Teo the last seat as a birthday present. Not many seven year olds can say they have been up in a chopper!

After lunch we had ice cream and made our way back to the Christo’s beach hut for a swim. We met a lovely South African named Christo and Teo loves him. He built an incredible paradise beach hut out of things washed up on the beach and we spent a lot of time there with him. Tina and Teo made Viking ships that are still moored there. And I think Teo grew a few centimetres as Christo gave him a cool surfer necklace made out of a seed that matches his own as a birthday present.

The beach hut was the site for the pirate party as the sun set. Christo and Andreas had decorated the place with flags and Simon and Hadley arrived with balloons and everyone was in their pirate best. Don’t tell anyone but Teo might have gone to his pirate party as a wizard. Teo was given the choice of birthday locations and he enthusiastically preferred to build a bonfire with a Christo than go back to Panama City. Naturally he was in charge of bonfire making and Christo was a very good assistant it has to be said. There was a lot of fire maintenance and discussion of bonfire tactics. To top it off when the cake arrived Teo got to light his own candles!

On our way back to the boat we were treated to a bioluminescence display that made the sea sparkle like the sky and lots of jumping fishes that caused nervous giggles. It was a wonderful day and Teo got to stay up as long as he liked. We were reading Harry Potter trivia at midnight and I think Teo might have outlasted his parents.

His birthday celebrations were not over, though! The next morning we went ashore to follow a treasure map Teo found. These pirates left some loot behind that could only be found at low tide. He found pieces of eight, stamps and a bracelet and the map was beautiful! And that still not all, a few days later Sugar Shack hosted us and Teo got another birthday party with cupcakes and colorful modelling clay. We are a lucky family indeed to have lovely family and friends who go out of their way to make a seven year old birthday this wonderful, THANK YOU!

Safe, sound and still have a mast!

We are safe and soundly anchored back in Isla Contadora, Las Perlas Islands. Tired but happy to be anchored next to good friends on Break Away, who not knowing that we were heading back got a little surprise this morning when we dropped the hook next to them.

And so we will try to enjoy the beauty of these islands while fixing boats… cruising is often described as fixing boats in paradise, this may well be true, but at least it’s still in paradise!



Slow slog north.

Sailing around the world is easy, so long as you go the right way around. Downwind is lovely, the wind feels lighter, the sun is warmer, the boat is more comfortable, the miles fly-by as song birds come to rest in your rigging like something out of Snow White.

Motoring upwind, back into the wind, waves and current is not like that, not at all. Slam, slam, slam as the boat falls off the back of waves into the next one. Grrrr, grrr…grr… goes the engine, working nonstop at higher than normal revs just to make 4 knots of progress. What is 4 knots? A brisk walk. Seriously, we could walk back faster than this. Also walking wouldn’t cost me hundreds of dollars in fuel.

Simple tasks like sleeping, eating, moving around the boat become much more difficult and annoying. A little shout from Teo earlier summarized it perfectly “Argh! I am so DONE with these waves!”

But… between those background frustrations there are some nice things. Warm banana pancakes with peanut butter and syrup for lunch. Teo spotting a hammer head shark which we followed for a while as he glided gracefully at the surface. E-mails of encouragement for family, friend and other sailors from past and present, it’s nice to hear from you! Watching Teo and Tina relaxing on the sofa together, making posters for a new business scheme he had while she braided his hair. Oh and a very nice cuddle from my son this morning, neither of us fancying getting up just yet.

We should be back in Panama in the morning, just in time for tea and medals.

And back to Panama…

Earlier this afternoon one of our shrouds broke, it was the intermediate shroud which helps stabilize the middle of the mast and makes sure it doesn’t bend like an S. We kinda need it. It is not something which can be properly fixed without specialist equipment and so, as we have the option, to return to Panama to get it fixed there.

With wind, current and waves against us the 150 miles back will take two days to motor. We’re not using our sails with a problem on the mast rigging.

All onboard are fine and well, just a bit disappointed.

If anyone can recommend a good rigger in Panama please let me know via iridium email. If you want to console us please email as we don’t see Facebook comments until we are back.

Pacific Day 1 – bye bye Panama.

Miles: 140NM
Fish: 1

The final preparations took the morning, it would have been quicker but we were a little groggy from a lovely goodbye dinner onboard Break Away the night before.

With the dingy on the foredeck, the food stowed, the extra sails ready in the fore peak and Tina moved into the saloon we were ready to up anchor and leave. Unfortunately we noticed in the night that the anchor chain was firmly wrapped around and under a rock on the sea floor so we first had to drive around in circles to lift it up.

The first afternoon sailing was lovely, with nice winds of 10-15knots and flat seas we buzzed along. Just after lunch we had a couple of short but sweet visits from dolphins. Not sure of the variety but they were big and graceful. A welcome start to our adventure.

Heading due south from Las Perlas would keep us safely away from the shipping which was forming an orderly queue in and out of the Panama Canal anchorage. To head due south and downwind we decided to put up the pole and run wing on wing; one sail on each side. But when we tried to use the pole out popped a few ball bearings. Long time readers will remember that we had a similar problem in our Atlantic crossing and sure enough the same plastic end cap for the car had broken. Tomorrow it will be glued and working again.

So we ran downwind on main sail alone. Just as Jon mentioned it was his turn to cook and raised the question of what to eat the fishing reel started to spin and after short struggle it became clear we were having tuna for dinner with mash and carrots. So far so good with the fishing. Shortly after the dinner plates were cleared and washed the wind started to pickup and we switched our mainsail for a very small bit of head sail. With 25knots of wind and a following sea we were doing over 6knots without anything flying at all. But I prefer to have some sail up so a small square of head sail it was.

Night time watches start at 6pm which is sunset in these parts and the first watch was Jon’s. Nothing much to report with the seas slowly building its starting to feel more like an ocean crossing. Teo stayed up with his papa to keep him company until his watch ended at nine and they headed off to get some sleep. Next up was Mia until midnight, followed by Tina until 3am and then back to Jon from 3 til 6am and the return of the sun. And round and round we go… three hour watches at night and four hour watches during the day.

With the sun the wind lessened but it takes longer for the seas to sit back down. Eventually around mid morning the sea and the wind are pleasant and we bob along in Itchy Foot slowly making our way south and west. All onboard slowly settle into a routine or watches, reading, cooking and sleeping.

4000 miles to go.

So, we’re leaving to sail across the Pacific today. Well, more accurately we’re going to sail across about half the Pacific and about 4000 miles. Then we’ll be roughly half way to Oz hopefully in French Polynesia.

The 4000 miles is divided into a few sections: firstly from Panama towards Galapagos which is the first thousand; then across the equator and into the southern hemisphere; finally west for 3000 miles to French Polynesia and the Marquesas.

Right now we have good winds for leaving Panama, with 15 knots (perfect) pushing us out into the sea. The winds are the trade winds coming across the Atlantic at the time of year and they spill over the isthmus of Panama into the Pacific. Sadly that also means they are likely to weaken after a few of sailing south west. At that point we’ll do what we can to keep on sailing and save our fuel for when it really gets light.

After around 7-10 days we should pass Galapagos, it’s not clear if we go north or south as it’ll be wind dependant but we’re not planning on stopping unless there is a really emergency or the crew are about to mutiny. The reasons for not stopping are a bit long winded for this post but we’ll talk about them nearer the time.

Next is about 500 miles of doldrums stretching from about 5 degrees north to about 5 degrees south. We don’t have the fuel nor the desire to motor for many days on end so we’ll be trying to find a narrow point to cross and then motor due south looking for the wind on the other side. Hopefully we’ll be able to keep this to a day or two of motoring but we won’t know until we get there.

Assuming we haven’t reenacted ‘Dead Calm’ by the time we get south of the equator and back into the wind then we’ll turn westwards and hopefully have some nice sailing to the islands of the Marquesas. Our first stop will hopefully be Fatu Hiva.

Preparing for the Pacific

When you live on a boat there is SO much to do! The devil is in the details and there is no end to the details. The boat needs upgrading and repairs and maintenance and often jobs take longer than expected at the best of times and usually cause other boat jobs in most other typical situations. I am happy to report that Jon’s 20 year old Swede is more work than the slightly older one. Plus we do boat school and regular household tasks. We need clean clothes and a comfy bed and healthy food. All these tasks take longer and require some extra creativity  than they do in a bigger space and with the luxuries of a house on land. The Itchy Foot crew have been working hard, and I don’t know what we would do without Tina!

We have been working on the maintenance and repairs for a long while. Already back in September, Jon installed a new autopilot system that will help us keep our course and save us self steering on the long passages. That was six months ago! It is just an example of the planning and preparation we are doing. Jon has been busy busy busy looking after her and each boat job he does requires its own details. Listing all the jobs here would just be boring for you to read and actually hard to remember but enjoy some of the photos to give an idea of how things look mid job. Needs for repairs crop up and jump up the list of priorities. For example, Itchy Foot needed engine work so Jon replaced the raw water intake thanks to luck in timing we could pick up a replacement part. Unfortunately the exhaust hose we need to replace is not available here in Panama so we have no choice but continue to look for it. Another issue reared it’s ugly head back in Santa Marta. Our battery charger freaked out and damaged our batteries as well. That job called for a replacement of the charger/inverter unit, new cabling and some carpentry so nothing is sliding around. All these jobs take a long time including the research, the logistics of sourcing parts and the complications of working in a small space. These are just a few of the major repairs we have undertaken recently so that we are ready for the Pacific crossing.

Regular maintenance cannot be forgotten either. We have been making sure our safety equipment is up to date and reliable. We have set up devices and software that communicate with satellites to track our progress, life lines must be healthy to protect us in rough weather and there are preparations to be made to keep a good household. We have to be able to communicate and we need good clothing for the environment, plus we need to eat well on passage. So, Tina and I shopped for the household things and food many times and sometimes Teo comes along to help and other times he helps on the boat. And Tina has amazing friends who have helped us. We went to stay with her very generous friend Juan who let us borrow the kitchen. We cooked for 11 hours straight, finishing at 2am. We filled the freezer with meals so we have good stuff in the bellies even if conditions are rough. Only our friends who make meals in boat galleries can truly understand how much we appreciate this opportunity.

We also visited a market to fill the boat with fresh fruits and vegetables for the crossing. At the market we had a guy with a trolley and second one with a car and we went around collecting underripe goodies. These things should ripen gradually so you have an even source of good things to eat even at the end of the journey. We found a stall with three great women and we were off and running. There are tons of pieces of advice of how to store things. Tomatoes like to be wrapped individually, potatoes and onions do not socialize well, citrus must separated from apples and pears. We had a great time at market, especially asking a couple of flirtatious guys where to find the hue is grandes. Tina washed the stuff that needs it, no bugs please! And I ran around trying to squeeze in one last round of laundry, since you never know what it looks like on the other side.

And tonight as a treat we had a lively bunch aboard to enjoy a moment. Cruisers are self sufficient and usually show up with their own drinks and a yummy something to share. Some of the hardest things we do is part ways with friends, not knowing when the next time you meet will be. We laughed and shared stories and enjoyed the twinkles of the Panama City skyline.

And after all of the above we are READY to go. 4000 miles of Pacific Ocean awaits, we’re not stopping in Galapagos so we’ll likely be sailing for 35 days nonstop. Over a month without stepping onto land. It’s one of the longer passages that yachts normally complete and it is not without nerves and anxiety. But, we have an excellent boat, excellent crew and everything we need to get safety to French Polynesia by mid April.